Category: Fantasy

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Sky Admiral Jules Verne vs. Mark Twainbot – A Match of Titans!

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Verne vs. Twain - A Match of Titans!Sky Admiral Verne vs. Twainbot – A Match of Titans! is running a contest: Mark Twain vs. Jules Verne Boxing Match. Vote for who would win, and why – and get a free copy of Stories in the Ether for your Kindle along the way! Here’s the highlight from their blog:

It’s ON! Like Grey Poupon! There’s a battle about to commence- a Battle of The Books! And you will take home the spoils! Our own mascots, Sky Admiral Jules Verne and Mark Twainbot are going head-to-head in a fierce competition for supremacy, and they’re both looking for your support. Cast your vote and add some smack-talk (gentlemanly, of course), and we’ll send you a fabulous Steampunk eBook just for participating: “Stories in the Ether, Issue 1″ from Nevermet Press. Ten lucky winners will also receive“Stories in the Ether, Issue 2″ as well!

Also, a savage beating in the boxing-ring will unfold. You won’t want to miss the hilarious exchange in the running comments stream as our combatants spar verbally; and you are encouraged to add your own contribution!

Visit the original post to ENTER the Sweepstakes and Vote on which on of these Titans will be champion!

Cheers all!

Visit the original post, Sky Admiral Jules Verne vs. Mark Twainbot – A Match of Titans!, at Nevermet Press. Subscribe via RSSTwitter, or Facebook.
New Story! “Ghost Hedgehog” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

"Ghost Hedgehog" With all the places ghosts could go, in this world and the next, who do they keep hanging around Jack? From Nina Kiriki Hoffman comes a new short story, “Ghost Hedgehog“!

Nina Kiriki Hoffman’s first solo novel, The Thread that Binds the Bones, won the Bram Stoker Award. Her short fiction has been shortlisted for every major award in the SF and fantasy field. The illustration is by Goni Montes.

It’s the Muppet Week!

It's the Muppet Week!The Muppets is due out just before Thanksgiving, so is devoting some time to all things Henson!Muppet Week is here and we’re going to be talking about films, puppetry, and the SFF inspirations throughout Henson’s work. Danny Bowes finds the Rainbow Connection in The Muppet Movie, Chris Lough needs to remind you why The Great Muppet Caper is the best Muppet film of the lot, and Emily Asher-Perrin asks the most important question about The Muppets Take Manhattan – are Kermit and Miss Piggy really married? Ryan Britt takes a look at six SF icons who hung out with Kermit and the gang, and we’ve learned that several Muppets tried out for the part of Yoda before the wrinkled one landed the part: see their auditions! Plus, Bridget McGovern discusses Henson’s first major foray into fantasy, 1982’s The Dark Crystal. There’s more coming all week, so don’t miss out on all the laughs, songs and dances!

Barnes & Noble Booksellers Picks Take a Look at New Releases!

Barnes & Noble Bookseller's PicksThe Barnes & Noble Bookseller’s Picks is taking a look atnew releases this month: Michael M. Jones discusses the continuing adventures of a warrior princess in Mike Shepherd’s Kris Longknife: Daring, Gregory Manchess shares some of the year’s most fantastic SFF art inSpectrum 18, Emily Asher-Perrin talks about the nature of the Force in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan, and Ron Hogan gives us a vampire dystopia from the brilliant Guillermo del Toro in The Night Eternal. If you want excerpts, we’ve got one from Devon Monk’s Magic on the Line!

While you’re deciding what new books to add to your queue, we’ve got a question for you: what was the very first book you bought with your own money? We asked our readers last week, andwe’ve gotten quite a response so far – chime in with your own stories in the comments!

So Long, Johnny: Kubrick Week Ends

Kubrick's SFFDanny Bowes spent all last week revisiting Stanley Kubrick’s SFF films, but now it’s time to shut down our old friend HAL and send Dr. Strangelove to his top-secret subterranean bunker. In the final installments of the series, Danny praised Jack Nicholson and the visual impact of The Shining, worked through the problematic fever dream that was Eyes Wide Shut, and learned what happens when someone other than Kubrick tries to make a Kubrick film with A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. Don’t forget to check the week’s index for any movies you may have missed!

Girls With Swords and Arrows Set to Dominate Theaters Next Year

The Hunger GamesWe’ve seen quite a few new trailers emerge in the past week, and there seems to be an emerging trend – all over Hollywood, ladies are taking up arms. First, take a peek at the full trailer for The Hunger Games, then head on over to watch a feisty Scottish redhead who’s also pretty handy with a bow in the trailer for Pixar’s Brave. Then, Snow White and the Huntsman and Mirror, Mirror are poised to bring us dueling updates on the same classic fairy tale – watch the trailers here.

In other movie news, it could be that Harry Potter director David Yates is looking to bring Doctor Who to the big screen without building on television show’s continuity (though certain sources are vehemently denying it). Would you go see it? And for SFF at the theaters this past week, our reviewers weigh in on The Immortals and Melancholia! Comes to Google+ on Google+We want to make sure you can find on whatever social media platform you favor. We’ve been bringing you our content through Facebook and Twitter for some time now, and providing extra coverage from all over the web with our specialized Facebook and Twitter satellite accounts, for fans of Science Fiction,FantasyUrban FantasySteampunkArt, and the Wheel of Time series. We are happy to announce that is now available on Google+! So wherever you prefer to hang out on the internet, you can always find you favorite coverage.


Dok-ing XD is a Croatian Electric Dream Car
Published November 17, 2011 |

Some kids never grow up.

Croatian industrialist Vjekoslav Majetic has created an electric car, the Dok-ing XD, which he calls his “childhood dream.” It made its American debut at the 2011 Los Angeles Auto Show.

Just 9 feet long, the futuristic microcar features gullwing doors and seating for three, with the driver in the center and two passengers set back on either side.

The car is powered by a 33 kWh battery pack and either two or four electric motors with a maximum output of 240 hp. According to Dok-ing, the more powerful version can accelerate from 0-60 mph in a supercar-quick 4.2 seconds, the same as the Tesla Roadster, and has a range of up to 135 miles per charge. The slower, but still sporty two-motor model can go 155 miles between charges.

Built on a lightweight aluminum chassis designed in house, the tall and wide XD features a racecar-style double wishbone suspension front and rear.

Dok-ing is planning to build 1,000 XDs for sale in Croatia at a price of around $108,000, but a company rep tells that it is looking for investors to help federalize the car and set up a manufacturing facility for it in the United States. If successful, it says that it could produce up to 30,000 cars at a price of around $40,000 each.

If that sounds ambitious, keep in mind that the Zagreb company’s main business is building robotic vehicles for firefighting, mining and mine-sweeping that are used by the U.S. and other militaries around the world. Its motto: don’t send a man to do a machine’s job.

And the XD isn’t the first electric sports car concept to come out of Croatia. Earlier this year another Zagreb-based company, Rimac Automobili, unveiled the Concept One, a more traditional-looking sports car that boasts 1088 hp and a top speed of 190 mph.

Read: Croatia’s 190 MPH Electric Supercar

Could Zagreb become the electric motor city? In the battery-powered dream world anything seems possible.

Click here for more from Autos

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Steampunk Jewelry Lives!

Dragons Flys!

Steampunk Neo Victorian Bracelet - Copper brass RED Czech Glass Art Deco DRAGONFLY

Tributes to the Dead Heads!

Roses Are Red

But the Eyes Have It!

Much, Much More! Go now and Adore!

Buy them Up! For Sure, the are now Ashore!

Shadowfist! Out of the Darkness and Across Time!

Maybe the Glass is really Half Full!

“Do you love Shadowfist but have no one with whom you can play in your area? Shoot us a message and we’ll either give you the tools to start your own Shadowfist group or find hidden players you might not know about! It only takes three players for a great game night of equal opportunity butt-kicking!”

Check out November’s Inner Kingdom Update to read up on the latest news and the long-awaited list of top Secret Warriors of 2011!
We have a new name at #1 this year!

Hey Shadowfist friends! Inner Kingdom has released the board game, Zombie Dash. Available here: We could use some help getting traffic to the game page at Please rate the game, or become a fan, or ‘Like’ it, if you like it. 🙂 Thanks!

Inner Kingdom Games’ very first board game pits players against each other as they race across town to safety! Outpace your opponents and beat your zombies to the finish line! For 3 to 6 players, ages 8 and up. Retail price: $24.95. Price below includes shipping. Dash


See Bronto Burgers on Ice, before Fred Flintstone serves them up!

There is something Dull, Gray or Heartless about GreyHart Press's pressing of 
"The Quest for Elena the Fair" by Gill Shutt.

It will cut you to the quick, and quick you to the cuttings, as the squire Govalon, in Serving alone to three Knights journey into the Vanishing Mists,
Read it and Sea what would make Sir Marik the Wrong so Wronged.
Listen and Fear what did unspool Sir Darven the Fool.
Quiver and Quell what did fell the Oxen Sir Jolan.
Begin here the Tale of the First,
Read on to the rest of a Saga of 6 Poems,
"The Legends of Light"

The Legends of Light

Read! Review! Repeat! at 

Loren Foster aka shadolrds
"From Whom Words Shadow Doles"

Need a little Pick Me UP? Ice Pick up a Han Solo!


Han Solo in Carbonite Ice Tray – $9.95

Do you fear that your Thanksgiving meal is doomed? Don’t surrender to the dark side. Use the force and the Han Solo in Carbonite Ice Tray from the NeatoShop to distract your guests from your terrible cooking.

The Han Solo in Carbonite Ice Tray is made from food-safe silicone. Do or do not make other things in this Ice Tray. Mmm. Make Han Solo in Carbonite butter patties, I will.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Star Wars and cool Ice



Loren Foster aka shadolrds

“From Whom Words Shadow Doles”



Use Pineapple Juice, and you can Dole out the ICE!



The Alloy of Law Tour Will Unlock a Wheel of Time Secret!

The Alloy of Law contains a secret from the Wheel of Time!

That Brandon Sanderson, he’s tricksy — so tricksy, that he’s again decided to hide an exclusive secret from the Wheel of Time in plain sight — encoded here on his own website.

To unlock the secret, fans will have find and enter all 35 codes, each one printed on the back of a WoT snake bumper sticker (pictured) and secreted in bookstores along Brandon Sanderson’s book tour for his new standalone Mistborn novel, The Alloy of Law. Oh, and that book tour? Starts tomorrow….

Think you have what it takes to land your name in a gleeman’s epic???

Follow the Great Hunt on Twitter at hashtag #wotgh

Brandon Sanderson’s Tour Schedule for The Alloy of Law

Tuesday, November 8
12:00 AM (Midnight)
BYU Bookstore
Provo, UT

Wednesday, November 9
7:00 PM
Mysterious Galaxy Books
San Diego, CA

Thursday, November 10
7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
Huntington Beach, CA

Friday, November 11
7:00 PM
University Book Store
Seattle, WA

Friday • November 11 • 7pm

The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel by Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson

The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel (TOR)

Reading & Book Signing

Brandon Sanderson, the man hand-picked to finish Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, took a little time off from that epic task to return to one of his own Mistborn series. In his new book, which takes place some 300 years after his last book, his fantasy world sits on the cusp of modernity. But though science and technology are advancing, the old magics of Allomancy and Feruchemy still play a role. And at the land’s frontiers, they remain crucial to order and justice.

Prime tickets are $28 and include a copy of Alloy of Law; General tickets are $10 (admission only). Prime ticket holders will pick up their books at the event on November 11. Tickets are available through

Please Note: Autographed copies of books are only available after the event.

Saturday, November 12
Vancouver, BC

Monday, November 14
7:00 PM
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Lexington, KY

Tuesday, November 15
6:30 PM
Murder by the Book
Houston, TX

Wednesday, November 16
7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
Brooklyn, NY (Park Slope)
Note: This date is a SIGNING ONLY.

The Alloy of Law comes out on November 8. Don’t forget to check the Alloy of Law Index on!

The Alloy of Law is Here and Will Lead You to Wheel of Time Clues!

The Alloy of Law by Brandon SandersonBrandon Sanderson’s latest foray into the world of Mistborns, Allomancers, and Feruchemists is now on bookshelves, and Brandon will be touring all week across the U.S. (and Vancouver)! For all of you planning on getting your books signed, the second annual Digital Great Hunt has begun! Brandon has worked with “Team Jordan” on an exclusive secret piece of content relating to the final Wheel of Time novel, A Memory of Light, that will be hosted on his website. But there’s a catch: you have to unlock the secret. Details here! And don’t forget to check out this awesome fan-made Alloy of Law book trailer (set to Cee-lo)!

Not enough for you? Well, we’ve got a spoiler thread here, and take a look a Brandon’s piece on why his fourteen-year-old self might have taken issue with Alloy of Law. Then hop on over to find out how you could get your name in the final Wheel of Time novelA Memory of Light! We’ve also begun a new mini-series of roundtable discussions – each week, we will pose a question to our panel of WoT experts and let the theorizing begin! Feel free to chime in with your own answers, opinions, and speculations…

Barnes & Noble Bookseller’s Picks – New Releases!

Barnes & Noble Bookseller's PicksSpeaking of Brandon Sanderson, we’re focusing on new releases this month in our Barnes & Noble Bookseller’s picks, and guess what’s on the list? Chris Lough finds the core of epic fantasy fiction in The Alloy of Law, Liz Bourke is enjoying the future archaeology of Jack McDevitt’s Echoand Firebird, and Alex Bledsoe has found the heart of Joseph Nassise’s Eyes to See. Furthermore, Ryan Britt ponders the rantings of a sane madman in The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick and Suzanne Johnson talks all things Rachel Morgan in The Hollows Insider by Kim Harrison. There are more picks coming this week and next, so don’t forget to check back!

Independent Bookseller’s Picks!

Independent Bookseller's PicksWe are also showcasing the top picks from indie bookstores across the country! This month we have picks from Joe Turner and Tommy Wilkerson of BookPeople in Austin, Texas. Their lists span decades and multiple facets of speculative fiction, so check out their expert suggestions and find a few titles to add to your collection at home!

Appreciating Kubrick’s Contribution to SFF

Kubrick's SFFStanley Kubrick is undoubtedly one of the greatest film directors of all time, and one can’t help but notice his fascination with certain aspects of speculative fiction. Danny Bowes is looking back on all of Kubrick’scontributions to SFF on film. First, Danny delves into Dr. Strangelove: a satire made perfect by playing it straight. Moving on to the more overtly SFnal works of Kubrick’s career, he navigates the complex journey underlying 2001: A Space Odyssey, and continues on with the ultra-violent future envisioned in A Clockwork Orange. And of course, there’s more to come, so check back in for more classic Kubrick all week…

Coming Soon to A Theater Near You

Batman on the Dark Knight Rises setWe’ve got the scoop on all the upcoming films that you’ve been waiting for: first, take a look at the final The Muppets parody trailer (two words: Breaking Dawn), then get some insider information from Robert Downey, Jr, Guy Ritchie, and Jude Law on the much-anticipated Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. You can take a peek at these exciting pictures from The Hunger Games and the set of The Dark Knight Rises, and who’s excited that we’re finally getting a new James Bond film? Prepare yourselves for Skyfall.

Now that Brett Ratner and Eddie Murphy have left the Oscars, are you ready for a new breed of host? We know who you really want on that stage all night: Muppets. All of them. Join the campaign to get Kermit and crew the job!

11/11/11 is Eleventh Doctor Day!

Eleventh Doctor DayAs we celebrate this once-in-a-century day coming up on our calendars, Friday has been dubbed Eleventh Doctor Day. In honor of our favorite Time Lord, everyone is encouraged to dress up like the Eleventh Doctor: bring your fezzes and bowties to work – wear your tweed with pride!

And while we’re talking about the Doctor, Karen Gillan has some thoughts on the future of Amy Pond – she thinks the Doctor’s best friend should bite the dust next season. What do you think? Of course, Who isn’t all action and high drama every second; some scenes manage to deliver truly memorable emotional impact without all the fireworks. Chris Lough, Ryan Britt and Emily Asher-Perrin talk about their favorite small moments in new Doctor Who. Join in and add your own!

Rewatch Central and Reread Corner

Don’t forget to check out our ongoing rewatches, reads and rereads including: Star Trek: The Next Generation rewatchThe Walking Dead watchReopening The X-Files, the Wheel of Time Reread, A Read of Ice and Fire, the Malazan Reread of the Fallen (which has just started onMidnight Tides!), a Read of the Dark Tower, the Great Alan Moore Reread and the Rothfuss Reread.

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