Category: Mystery

In “Beneath Hallowed Ground” Steven P. Locklin takes on the challenge of linking a plausible Civil War tale to an intriguing current day sleuthing adventure mystery, one in which we know somehow he will enticingly reveal how the Gold at this end of the Rainbow story shall be found.  If you have not yet gotten an Address in Gettysburg, join us for a Now and Then, before President Lincoln punches his ticket at a Theater he should not have a Ford ed.

Like a mosquito bite, you just have to come back and keep scratching, Jennifer Estep has created an itch that just has to be scratched, over and over again.  Not sure I can wait until the next book comes out!  I just found out that she has some short stories to tide me over.  Check out’s Revenge (Elemental Assassin, #5)


They have Melissa Knowles in common!

Check her out at

Ancient Whale Bones Discovered in Desert, Parents Outraged by Hooters Waitress’s Visit to Special-Needs School

To get my updates all day, follow me on Twitter @Knowlesitall and “like” me on Facebook!

Paleontologists in Chile have made a surprising discovery in the desert. Scientists uncovered what appears to be a massive graveyard of whale bones in

AP Images

Copiapo, more than a half-mile from the ocean. More than 80 whales, including 25 complete skeletons, were found in one of the driest deserts in the world. There is currently a construction project to widen the highway near the Atacama Desert, where the bones were found. Scientists believe the bones could be between 2 million and 7 million years old. So how did the whales make their way from the ocean to the desert and end up so close to one another when they died? Scientists have many theories: Maybe the area was once a lagoon and it dried up, maybe there was a giant wave that flung the whales onto shore, or maybe a giant earthquake sealed them off. Whale bones were not the only find for the paleontologists. A dolphin carcass with walrus-like tusks was also uncovered. Scientists say this discovery gives them a glimpse of ancient sea life. One paleontologist said, “The fossils are exceptionally well preserved and quite complete–a rare combination in paleontology and one that will likely shed light on many facets of the . . . ecology and evolution of these extinct species.” People on social media are debating creationism vs. evolution theories. Some people are just waiting for a scientific explanation. Still others are saying they should “accept the biblical account of the flood.”

Parents in Clearwater, Florida, are upset after a certain speaker was brought in to talk to their kids at school. Brittany Morgan, a Hooters waitress, spoke during “the Great American Teach-In,” a career event at the special-needs school. Morgan discussed looking presentable at work, tipping, and Hooters charity work with the students at Calvin A. Hunsinger School. She did not wear the Hooters uniform (skimpy orange shorts, low-cut white tank top, flesh-toned hosiery, white socks, and white sneakers) to speak in front of the kids. One parent was still disturbed, saying, “It’s just the wrong message . . . like we’re telling them that you’re the bad kids and this is all you’ll be in life.” Some people on Twitter agree, saying, “Can we raise the bar for kids’ aspirations?” Morgan said she understands why the parents might be upset, but that there was nothing inappropriate about her speech. Morgan added, “Most of us are going to school. We’re aspiring to do other things in life. This isn’t our career.” The principal of Hunsinger, Stephani Bessette, defended Morgan’s appearance, saying “Working as a waiter or waitress to achieve higher goals should be commended.” Hooters states that its mission is “to provide a family of hospitality and services that achieves excellence and enhances lifestyles of all who come in contact with the Hooters brand.”


Steampunk Jewelry Lives!

Dragons Flys!

Steampunk Neo Victorian Bracelet - Copper brass RED Czech Glass Art Deco DRAGONFLY

Tributes to the Dead Heads!

Roses Are Red

But the Eyes Have It!

Much, Much More! Go now and Adore!

Buy them Up! For Sure, the are now Ashore!

Shadowfist! Out of the Darkness and Across Time!

Maybe the Glass is really Half Full!

“Do you love Shadowfist but have no one with whom you can play in your area? Shoot us a message and we’ll either give you the tools to start your own Shadowfist group or find hidden players you might not know about! It only takes three players for a great game night of equal opportunity butt-kicking!”

Check out November’s Inner Kingdom Update to read up on the latest news and the long-awaited list of top Secret Warriors of 2011!
We have a new name at #1 this year!

Hey Shadowfist friends! Inner Kingdom has released the board game, Zombie Dash. Available here: We could use some help getting traffic to the game page at Please rate the game, or become a fan, or ‘Like’ it, if you like it. 🙂 Thanks!

Inner Kingdom Games’ very first board game pits players against each other as they race across town to safety! Outpace your opponents and beat your zombies to the finish line! For 3 to 6 players, ages 8 and up. Retail price: $24.95. Price below includes shipping. Dash

Do Check it out, and maybe vote fore me! Go see the Cartoon then see whose best fits the shoe!
My entry reads

Excuse me, but I am here in response to an employment opportunity advertised in that paper as “Southern Bar Attorney needed to Babysit Nest Egg through Thin Ice Transitional Period.” I did not initially understand the “Must take Firm Stance versus Global Warming and be in support of IceBerg Lettuce.”

Loren F.
Check it out!
    • Loren Foster Not time to vote yet, but keep me in mind!
      When it is go vote once a day for me, or the one you think is better

Women are Worth Something!…But what have they done Lately?

For Ada Lovelace Day, 9 women who left their mark in science and technology

From the first computer program to radiation, we wouldn’t be where we are today without their contributions.



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Martian Volcano!

Martian Volcano!
Mars volcano The area surrounding the mountainous landmark is relatively bare, causing the huge Martian structure to stand out. When active, Tharsis Tholus was likely much larger than it is today. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Photo courtesy of Tecca

Mars volcanoThe planet Mars is a bit of an obsession for the human race. We’ve romanticized the red planet in everything from movies to video games, and we can’t seem to get enough of the barren, desert-like planet. The European Space Agency isn’t immune to Mars lust, and the organization recently released some stunning images of one of the planet’s most striking features: the Tharsis Tholus volcano. Presented with false color to highlight its geographical features, the once-lively mountain is still a sight to behold. Join us as we take a tour of a true Martian landmark. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Photo courtesy of TeccaMars volcanoThe Tharsis Tholis volcano stands 5 miles tall on the rocky Martian landscape, dwarfing the tallest volcanoes on Earth. Ojos del Salado on the Argentina-Chile border comes closest, measuring 4.2 miles tall. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Photo courtesy of Tecca


Mars volcanoThe expansive crater located in the center of the volcano resulted from the loss of supportive magma that the mountain spewed billions of years ago. With the interior of the volcano lost, its roof caved in, forming the giant hole we see today. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Photo courtesy of Tecca


Mars volcano

Over the course of billions of years, Tharsis Tholus has become dotted with the scars of small to medium-sized impacts from space debris. The mountain is in an advanced state of erosion, making it particularly interesting to scientists looking to study the history of the red planet. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Photo courtesy of Tecca

Mars volcanoTharsis Tholus’ large size is aided by the relatively low gravity of Mars. With less than half of the gravitational force of Earth, it is easier for huge geographical features to exist on the Martian landscape. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Photo courtesy of Tecca


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The Alloy of Law is Here and Will Lead You to Wheel of Time Clues!

The Alloy of Law by Brandon SandersonBrandon Sanderson’s latest foray into the world of Mistborns, Allomancers, and Feruchemists is now on bookshelves, and Brandon will be touring all week across the U.S. (and Vancouver)! For all of you planning on getting your books signed, the second annual Digital Great Hunt has begun! Brandon has worked with “Team Jordan” on an exclusive secret piece of content relating to the final Wheel of Time novel, A Memory of Light, that will be hosted on his website. But there’s a catch: you have to unlock the secret. Details here! And don’t forget to check out this awesome fan-made Alloy of Law book trailer (set to Cee-lo)!

Not enough for you? Well, we’ve got a spoiler thread here, and take a look a Brandon’s piece on why his fourteen-year-old self might have taken issue with Alloy of Law. Then hop on over to find out how you could get your name in the final Wheel of Time novelA Memory of Light! We’ve also begun a new mini-series of roundtable discussions – each week, we will pose a question to our panel of WoT experts and let the theorizing begin! Feel free to chime in with your own answers, opinions, and speculations…

Barnes & Noble Bookseller’s Picks – New Releases!

Barnes & Noble Bookseller's PicksSpeaking of Brandon Sanderson, we’re focusing on new releases this month in our Barnes & Noble Bookseller’s picks, and guess what’s on the list? Chris Lough finds the core of epic fantasy fiction in The Alloy of Law, Liz Bourke is enjoying the future archaeology of Jack McDevitt’s Echoand Firebird, and Alex Bledsoe has found the heart of Joseph Nassise’s Eyes to See. Furthermore, Ryan Britt ponders the rantings of a sane madman in The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick and Suzanne Johnson talks all things Rachel Morgan in The Hollows Insider by Kim Harrison. There are more picks coming this week and next, so don’t forget to check back!

Independent Bookseller’s Picks!

Independent Bookseller's PicksWe are also showcasing the top picks from indie bookstores across the country! This month we have picks from Joe Turner and Tommy Wilkerson of BookPeople in Austin, Texas. Their lists span decades and multiple facets of speculative fiction, so check out their expert suggestions and find a few titles to add to your collection at home!

Appreciating Kubrick’s Contribution to SFF

Kubrick's SFFStanley Kubrick is undoubtedly one of the greatest film directors of all time, and one can’t help but notice his fascination with certain aspects of speculative fiction. Danny Bowes is looking back on all of Kubrick’scontributions to SFF on film. First, Danny delves into Dr. Strangelove: a satire made perfect by playing it straight. Moving on to the more overtly SFnal works of Kubrick’s career, he navigates the complex journey underlying 2001: A Space Odyssey, and continues on with the ultra-violent future envisioned in A Clockwork Orange. And of course, there’s more to come, so check back in for more classic Kubrick all week…

Coming Soon to A Theater Near You

Batman on the Dark Knight Rises setWe’ve got the scoop on all the upcoming films that you’ve been waiting for: first, take a look at the final The Muppets parody trailer (two words: Breaking Dawn), then get some insider information from Robert Downey, Jr, Guy Ritchie, and Jude Law on the much-anticipated Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. You can take a peek at these exciting pictures from The Hunger Games and the set of The Dark Knight Rises, and who’s excited that we’re finally getting a new James Bond film? Prepare yourselves for Skyfall.

Now that Brett Ratner and Eddie Murphy have left the Oscars, are you ready for a new breed of host? We know who you really want on that stage all night: Muppets. All of them. Join the campaign to get Kermit and crew the job!

11/11/11 is Eleventh Doctor Day!

Eleventh Doctor DayAs we celebrate this once-in-a-century day coming up on our calendars, Friday has been dubbed Eleventh Doctor Day. In honor of our favorite Time Lord, everyone is encouraged to dress up like the Eleventh Doctor: bring your fezzes and bowties to work – wear your tweed with pride!

And while we’re talking about the Doctor, Karen Gillan has some thoughts on the future of Amy Pond – she thinks the Doctor’s best friend should bite the dust next season. What do you think? Of course, Who isn’t all action and high drama every second; some scenes manage to deliver truly memorable emotional impact without all the fireworks. Chris Lough, Ryan Britt and Emily Asher-Perrin talk about their favorite small moments in new Doctor Who. Join in and add your own!

Rewatch Central and Reread Corner

Don’t forget to check out our ongoing rewatches, reads and rereads including: Star Trek: The Next Generation rewatchThe Walking Dead watchReopening The X-Files, the Wheel of Time Reread, A Read of Ice and Fire, the Malazan Reread of the Fallen (which has just started onMidnight Tides!), a Read of the Dark Tower, the Great Alan Moore Reread and the Rothfuss Reread.

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